Friday, May 7, 2021

Warriors & Survivors

 Children Cancer Stories by Rukh Yusuf Blog post # 04

I am Rukh Yusuf, Clinical Pharmacist, also specialized in Total Parenteral Nutrition and Bone Marrow Transplant. I have been working in Pediatric Oncology unit of a public hospital for several years. The mission of this blog is to bring to you the real-life stories of child patients suffering from cancer. Cancer is still a difficult disease to handle and treat. However, when it strikes the children, some so young that they cannot even speak, their agony is beyond expression and words. Let us pray especially for children suffering from cancer for early and complete remission. May Allah shower His Merciful Blessings upon them. Aameen.

15 years old Ali is our today’s warrior and survivor. At the age of 13 he had breathing difficulty with pain in chest. He also had complaints of low-grade fever, and his weight was decreasing gradually.

Being resident of Rawalpindi, his family got his checkup done in a large hospital, but nothing cameout. Ali was then referred to Lahore for diagnosis and treatment. After multiple tests in Lahore, lymph node cancer (Hodgkins’s Lymphoma stage ii B)was diagnosed.

With dedication of both his family and health care staff and specially courage of Ali himself, six cycles of chemotherapy were completed successfully. He got better and discharged from hospital. By grace of Almighty he rejoined his studies and resumed normal life.

After couple of years, he again had complaints of chest pain, breathing difficulty and decreased blood counts. On follow up, it was revealed that his disease had comeback. The family was devastated but doctors counseled that even relapse cases can be treated and cured after treatment. Summing up the courage, treatment started again.Warrior’s perseverance played a major role.

Four chemo cycles have been completed by now. Warrior is doing well Alhumdolillah.His father works in some one’s fields. He had his own land but had to sell for living and treatment of his brave child. Ali has four younger brothers. He understands his family setup and his responsibility as an elder brother despite his illness.He is brave one and hopeful for his future, he wants to be engineer one day and aims to support his parents in raising younger brothers.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a cancer which originates from white blood cells called lymphocytes. Symptoms may include fever, night sweats, and weight loss with non-painful enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, under the arm, chest or in the groin.

Hodgkin lymphoma is caused by a change (mutation) in the DNA of a type of white blood cell called B lymphocytes, although the exact reason why this happens isn't known.The DNA gives the cells a basic set of instructions, such as when to grow and reproduce. The mutation in the DNA changes these instructions so the cells keep growing, causing them to multiply uncontrollably.

The abnormal lymphocytes usually begin to multiply in one or more lymph nodes in a particular area of the body, such as neck or groin. Cause of mutation that triggers Hodgkin lymphoma is unknown.Anumber of factors may increase risk,includingweak immune system, medication to suppress immune system or after an organ transplant, viral infections,chemotherapy or radiotherapy, obesity etc.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is notinfectious and therefore doesnot run in families. Although the risk is increased if a first-degree relative (parent, sibling or child) had lymphoma, it's not clear if this is because of an inherited genetic fault or lifestyle factors.Hodgkin’s lymphoma can occur at any age, common in early 20s or 70s in men.

A number of investigationsi.e.biopsy blood tests, bone marrow, chest X-ray, (CT) scan,  (MRI) scan ,  (PET) scan, are needed to diagnose the stage of lymphoma."Staging" means scoring the cancer by how far it's spread.Stages of Hodgkin lymphoma are:  stage 1 – the cancer is limited to 1 group of lymph nodes, neck or groin nodes.  stage 2 – 2 or more lymph node groups are affected, either above or below the diaphragm. stage 3 – the cancer has spread to lymph node groups above and below the diaphragm.  stage 4 – the cancer has spread through the lymphatic system and is now present in organs or bone marrow.

The main treatment for HLischemotherapy alone, or chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. In a few cases, chemotherapy may be combined with steroid medication.Surgery isn't generally used to treat the condition, except for the biopsy used to diagnose it. Overall, treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma is highly effective and most people with the condition are eventually cured. In some patients, cancer may return after treatment. A course of high dose chemotherapy may be useful for relapse cases.

We pray that Ali and all children with cancer may recover soon and return to their normal life and fulfill their dreams to be contributing member of society. Aameen.

Note: Name has been changed to protect identity


  1. May his dream come true and he will become a great engineer and as an elder brother, he'll InshaAllah do so much for his family. Ameen!

  2. May this child get well soon ameen. And he is such a brave boy mashaAllah Allah will definitely give him reward of his courage.
    And ma'am you have always been my inspiration.


Blog Post # 03 by Rukh Yusuf