Friday, December 31, 2021

Warriors and Survivors -38

 Children Cancer Stories by Rukh Yusuf - Blog # 38

I am Rukh Yusuf, Clinical Pharmacist, also specialized in Total Parenteral Nutrition and Bone Marrow Transplant. I have been working in Pediatric Oncology unit of a public hospital for several years. The mission of this blog is to bring to you the real-life stories of child patients suffering from cancer. Cancer is still a difficult disease to handle and treat. However, when it strikes the children, some so young that they cannot even speak, their agony is beyond expression and words. Let us pray especially for children suffering from cancer for early and complete remission. May Allah shower His Merciful Blessings upon them. Aameen.

Children’s Cancer Hospital Cairo Egypt which is widely called “57357” is like my second Institute and is very dear to me. It is the world largest Children’s cancer hospital in terms of capacity i.e 380 beds. In 57357, two hundred pharmacists serve round the clock and provide world class pharmaceutical care services to pediatric oncology patients. It is the first non-US institute recognized by ASHP (American Society of Hospital Pharmacists).

There are many cancer survivors and warriors who got treatment from 57357 and Alhumdolillah doing great. I am going to introduce our Pharmacist hero and Masha Allah a survivor who was once a warrior who he fought the battle bravely and Allah blessed him health.

Hossam Eldin Ahmed Othman is our today’s Survivor who is also practicing pharmacist and working in 57357 since Aug 2021.  

When Hossam was 13 years old, there was a little swelling in neck on the right side and when his mother saw it she asked Hossam when did this happen and he answered that he did not know exactly. Mother got worried and on recommendation of her colleague she took Hossam to “57357, Children Cancer Hospital Cairo Egypt” first time in May 2010.

Within next two weeks, Hossam had to take several blood tests, CT scans and a biopsy.  Later tests reports led to the diagnoses of Hodgkin lymphoma. 

Hossam belongs to educated family. His mother is a rheumatologist, and his father is an engineer from Cairo Egypt. He has one younger sister who is student as well.

It was a terrible news for family but brave family and Hossam did not lose hope. His treatment started in 57357 and he received four chemotherapy cycles. Post chemotherapy tests revealed that Hossam’s disease was in remission by grace of Allah. Now he had to visit hospital for monthly check up.

After four years, during routine testing in October 2014, a very sad news of relapse was given to his parents. It was disheartening for everyone. Only option was to seek treatment again. So Hossam had to receive chemotherapy and radiotherapy again and this time with relapse protocol. Warrior received 3 cycles of chemo with high spirit and then he had to undergo quite an investigation to confirm treatment response. The results were satisfactory by the grace of Almighty. There were still three cycles of chemo Hossam had to bear, the brave guy bore that all three.

After five chemotherapy courses, it was time for second assessment of treatment response. But at this visit they learned the cancer had relapsed (returned), this was second time for Hossam. As devastating as the news of cancer was the first time, the words cut deeper the second time the family heard them.

Hossam’s mother said, “When you hear your child has cancer, it’s like a kick in the gut,” said Evan’s father, Tim. “When you hear it a second time, it’s the same emotions all over again. The second time is hardest.”

The physician told his parents that there is no hope and cure for Hossam’s treatment and that he will be sent to palliative clinic but brave parents decided that they will complete the protocol and Hossam took his last cycle and you know what, by Almighty’s miracle Hossam’s cancer was totally cured after the last cycle Alhumdolillah.

But in early 2015, Hossam’s tests again showed relapse and this time there was no treatment option for him except bone marrow transplant. Relying on Allah’s bounties Hossam’s bone marrow auto transplant was done in October 2015. It was Masha Allah successful, and he is doing fine since then.

Hossam started his pharmacy school after his transplant and he is working with dedication as hospital pharmacist in 57357. He is a role model and example for all sick children. 

Hossam says that his family was the reason that he was able to complete his treatment. They also encouraged him to continue his studies during and after treatment. His sister always supported him and took care of him when he was isolated. That is why he is clinical pharmacist at 57357 children cancer hospital, the exact place where he was once a patient.

In 57357, when any patient refuses treatment or is afraid or sad of chemotherapy, Hossam is usually called for patient counseling and he tell them his story, a tale of struggle and bravery. Hossam says, I am happy to give hope and smiles to children suffering from cancer and their families”.  There is message from him, “Never lose hope and always smile and thank Allah for everything”

Hossam need lots of sincere prayers for healthy life always. Let’s pray for health, happiness, and successful life of Hossam, and all suffering children. Aameen

I pray for healthy and smooth recovery of all our warriors, and healthy life for all our surviors May Allah bless them health always. Aameen

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Blog Post # 03 by Rukh Yusuf