Friday, June 23, 2023

Warriors and Survivors - 114

Children Cancer Stories by Rukh Yusuf - Blog # 114

I am Rukh Yusuf, Clinical Pharmacist, also specialized in Total Parenteral Nutrition and Bone Marrow Transplant. I have been working in the Pediatric Oncology unit of a public hospital for several years. The mission of this blog is to bring to you the real-life stories of child patients suffering from cancer. Cancer is still a difficult disease to handle and treat. However, when it strikes the children, some so young that they cannot even speak, their agony is beyond expression and words. Let us pray especially for children suffering from cancer for early and complete remission. May Allah shower His Merciful Blessings upon them. Aameen. 

“There is nothing more important than saving a child's life” Laila’s mother.
 Laila was a bright, bubbly, joyous child with no health issues or concerns but when she was eight months old, her family knew something was wrong. Laila had a fever that wouldn't go away. At first, her parents thought it was teething issues, so they took her to the hospital for further tests but never made it home after that.
It was initially thought that Laila was suffering from constipation, but then blood tests revealed that Laila's iron levels were terribly low. 
Many doctors and tests later, Laila's fever was still refusing to dissipate. The family was sent to Children's Hospital, Lahore where they found a tumor in her abdomen and extensive cancer in her bones and bone marrow.
“Being told your child has cancer is every parent's worst nightmare, you can't ever be fully prepared to hear those words”. Laila’s mother said.
The tumor in Laila's abdomen was the size of a grapefruit. She was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma and started immediately on chemotherapy but did not respond to her first six rounds.

Neuroblastoma is one of the most aggressive forms of childhood cancer with a survival rate of about 50%, making it most difficult to treat. Neuroblastoma is a cancer of the nervous tissue, which forms solid tumors.
Laila's lack of response meant her case was upgraded to high-risk. Today, aged just eight, she has undergone a dozen rounds of chemo, several surgeries, radiation and an immunotherapy trial.
I think sometimes, for cancer like these we desperately need more effective, less toxic treatments to improve the survival rates of neuroblastoma and give kids like Laila a brighter future. 
Laila's case continues to be a challenge and she is still not cancer-free. Her family is now playing an anxious waiting game; hoping for some miracle and breakthroughs in scientific research that may lead to some new drug discovery for neuroblastoma. 
Please join me in praying for the complete and safe recovery of Laila. May she fully recover and remain in good health. Let's also pray for her parents to have a happy and easy time with her. Amen.
Lots of prayers for Laila and her family, and for all sick children to recover quickly and never experience their illnesses again. May they lead happy and healthy lives once more. Amen.
Note: Names have been changed to 

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Blog Post # 03 by Rukh Yusuf