Friday, November 3, 2023

Warriors and Survivors - 133

Children Cancer Stories by Rukh Yusuf - Blog # 133

I am Rukh Yusuf, Clinical Pharmacist, also specialized in Total Parenteral Nutrition and Bone Marrow Transplant. I have been working in the Pediatric Oncology unit of a public hospital for several years. The mission of this blog is to bring to you the real-life stories of child patients suffering from cancer. Cancer is still a difficult disease to handle and treat. However, when it strikes the children, some so young that they cannot even speak, their agony is beyond expression and words. Let us pray especially for children suffering from cancer for early and complete remission. May Allah shower His Merciful Blessings upon them. Aameen. 

When Maria was three, she began occasionally vomiting and complaining of headaches. The symptoms continued for about a week. Her parents took her to her pediatrician and the local emergency room, but no one was sure what was wrong. Finally, on July 17, her pediatrician sent Maria to the Children's Hospital for an MRI.

Before Maria woke up from sedation and rejoined her parents, they received a phone call from her pediatrician, who told them that Maria had a brain tumor and that she needed hospital admission for further diagnostic tests. 

The next day they had a consultation with a neurosurgeon. He told them Maria had a tumor in the cerebellum, the lower portion of the brain. Parents were in complete and utter shock after the news. Everything was happening so fast, but they had to go for treatment. 

The neurosurgeon said that based on the tumor's location, he would likely be able to remove the entire tumor.

Being only three, Maria didn’t understand much, she just knew that she had a headache and that being in the hospital would help her feel better. Everyone at the hospital was extremely compassionate and understanding.

Her surgery was planned for a week. It was a difficult day when she had to be operated.  

After seven hours, the parents were called into a consult room to meet with Neurosurgeon. He had been able to remove the entire tumor, but he suspected medulloblastoma, a rare cancer. Pathologists quickly confirmed this diagnosis. While the news that the tumor was malignant was very difficult, the parents were heartened by the fact that Mary’s cancer was not metastatic (had not spread).

Maria spent a week in the Hospital to recover and then was able to spend some time at home.

She returned after a few days to begin chemotherapy. For the next three months, Maria was in and out of the Hospital for chemotherapy courses.

Maria is again in the hospital for her chemotherapy, she got sick and had to spend some days in the intensive care unit. But she is better now and ready to complete her treatment. She has a long way to go to complete her treatment at this younger age. 

Prayers for Maria’s recovery and smooth life ahead. Many prayers for her parents who are going through a very difficult time.  

Lots of prayers for all sick children to recover quickly and never experience their illnesses again. May they lead happy and healthy lives once more. Aameen.

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Blog Post # 03 by Rukh Yusuf